
Video: DVEO Takes Aim at Server Market

Tim Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live here at Streaming Media West 2016. My name's Tim Siglin. I'm a contributing editor with Streaming Media magazine and gener8co.com. Here today with Laszlo Zoltan from DVEO.

Laszlo Zoltan: That's right.

Tim Siglin: Tell us a little bit about, first of all, what does DVEO mean?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, it was a four-letter acronym that we were able to receive a URL for.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: It stands for Digital Video Extraordinaire.

Tim Siglin: Extraordinaire. Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: Which we created after we found the URL.

Tim Siglin: Okay, right. You found the URL and you made up a name--

Laszlo Zoltan: It has to be short and memorable. It's kind of short, kind of memorable.

Tim Siglin: What are you all expecting out of the show this year?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, we're really looking for new customers. We've been around quite a while. We've been around for about eight years. We're always looking for new customers that haven't heard about DVEO before. We feel like we've reached a certain plateau and we're hoping to penetrate some newer, larger accounts.

Tim Siglin: Do I remember correctly that you all dealt with the Helix server--

Laszlo Zoltan: That's correct.

Tim Siglin: As Real got out of that market?

Laszlo Zoltan: Yes. We did. We partnered up with Real Networks.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: We licensed our encoder to them and we licensed back the Helix server.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: Which didn't work out very well because the R&D group was no longer in existence. After a couple years, we have to get a divorce, sadly. It's kind of a-

Tim Siglin: You also, if I remember correctly, done some work with MistDerver, the guys that do the DDVTech.

Laszlo Zoltan: Yes.

Tim Siglin: Alfred Yaron.

Laszlo Zoltan: Exactly. After we left the relationship with Helix, or Real Networks, we created a relationship with the Mist people. They haven't kept up as well as we would like them to keep up. We've actually, to some degree, licensed some of their code have created our own code. Thanks to NGINX we now have a pretty reasonable server. We aspire to enter the server market in a significant way.

Tim Siglin: Right, so that leads into my next question naturally, which is: Where are you going from those relationships? You're saying you got NGINX to be able to work with. As I understand, you've got sort of a reliable UDP solution as well.

Laszlo Zoltan: Yes, we do.

Tim Siglin: Where do you see DVEO going in the next year?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, straight forward.

Tim Siglin: Yeah, okay. Sure. Profitable.

Laszlo Zoltan: Profitable. We are profitable. A small, self-sufficient, profitable company. People ask us how come we have so many products. We're not a single product company. We have products in multiple categories. What we'd like to do is create a credible offering in the video server market.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: We have some unique technologies like GoBackTV and Trick Play TV. We'd like to combine that with just plain live servers. On the other side, after a two and a half year wait, we received a patent for ARQ. This is an automatic repeat request technology which allows you to fix UDP errors on the fly no matter how bad the traffic is.

Tim Siglin: Okay. Does that put you in competition with a Zixi or a Pro-MPEG?

Laszlo Zoltan: Yes, it does. That's exactly right.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: We feel that Zixi's a wonderful competitor, they have a wonderful head start, but we feel like there's room for two players. We want to give them a little bit of a run for their money. We don't have venture capital right now as they do. We feel we have just as good a technology. We looked at their technology. We actually looked at exactly their patent, the patents they're using, and found other solutions. Interesting to note that we actually work on layer two of the OSI stack.

Tim Siglin: Okay, got it.

Laszlo Zoltan: Whereas the Zixi patent operates on a layer three.

Tim Siglin: Right, exactly.

Laszlo Zoltan: We hope to differentiate ourselves. We're not going to kill them. We're not going to do any real damage, but we're going to go out there and close that gap from nothing to something.

Tim Siglin: One of the things, of course, is Zixi had to do is go out and work with a camera manufacturer. They had to work end to end on the solution. Do you expect, since you're sitting in a different layer in OSI, that you'll also have to go find those camera manufacturers to work with?

Laszlo Zoltan: Well, we're trying to. We're really trying hard. We're talking to a couple of Japanese companies. I think the days of ARQ integrated into the camera are probably over. The big companies have made their beds. There's a large open field. Amazingly large open field. For example, there're opportunities in teleradiology, file transfer, other things. The company Aspera has a wonderful patent as well. They do ARQ in their own unique way. With layer two, we can compete with Aspera as well.

Tim Siglin: Interesting.

Laszlo Zoltan: Most interestingly of all, is that we have other patents coming. We've just filed a second patent in the ARQ area.

Tim Siglin: Essentially for you, you can be doing anything that's big data that needs to be moved around. Whether it's DICOMs, as you say, in radiology, or VOD assets.

Laszlo Zoltan: That's right. Exactly. We're a small, scrappy, hungry little company.

Tim Siglin: Okay.

Laszlo Zoltan: That's our position. We like to play that role. We're not going to kill any big gorillas.

Tim Siglin: Okay. At least you'll give a run for the money--

Laszlo Zoltan: We do. We enjoy that. That's our position in the marketplace. If we get big, we'll accept that as well.

Tim Siglin: Okay. Awesome. Again, this has been Laszlo Zoltan with DVEO. It's Tim Siglin with gener8co.com with Almost Live.

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